On open days, you are welcome to come and explore the garden and see what’s on offer. There will usually be someone to chat with about any gardening related questions. The little front stall often has seedlings for sale, there may be fruit to pick, and there are always birds, butterflies and flowers to see and smell.
Regular volunteers are very welcome, and it is a wonderful way to meet people and get some light exercise in the fresh air.
There are also social pizza and music events every so often, where the pizza oven is lit and you can get to meet the garden community and enjoy delicious pizza topped with garden fresh ingredients. Check the “What’s On” page for the next one.

Garden Open Days
Weather permitting, the Gardens are usually open every Tuesday, Thursday and and Sunday, 9am to 1.00pm
You are welcome to have a look around, chat to our volunteer members, and maybe purchase a plant or two or have a cuppa!
We make compost and feed worms in the gardens, so your organic waste is valuable!
We appreciate donations of anything that would go in the green bin, for example:
- Kitchen waste
- Non-glossy newspapers and cardboard
- Lawn clippings
- Herbivorous animal manure
- Woodchip
- Rinsed sea weed
- Other materials for compost and mulch
We also appreciate donations of:
- Heritage/heirloom seeds
- Healthy food plants
- Gardening tools
- Hoses and fittings
- Watering cans and buckets
- Star posts, trellises, and tomato stakes
- Bricks & pavers
- Cement, and some building materials
- Clean, reusable plastic & paper bags
Please bring them along on any open days, or contact us
at coffscommunitygardens @gmail.com or 0428 592 165.
We also welcome financial donations to the garden via direct deposit to our bank account at the Banana Coast Credit Union: Coffs Regional Community Gardens Association Inc, BSB 533000 A/c 10504435
We ask financial donors to please leave their name as a reference, and also send an email, so that we may acknowledge and thank you for your kind support.
Working Days
When: From 9.30am – 1.00pm, every Sunday (weather dependent!)
Where: Coffs Community Gardens, Combine St
Whom: All volunteers
What: Work on weeding, moving and special projects
Bring: Workboots, hat, long sleeves, sunglasses, and any other protective equipment you may need
The Areas to Create and Explore
Community Space
(Main purposes: training, cooking, community meetings)
- Training facilities allow us to run regular workshops and info sessions (organic gardening, composting, seedlings, permaculture for home gardeners, healthy cooking, waterwise gardening, bush food, etc).
- Cooking facilities allow the organisation of social events where attendees can test the gardens’ produce and learn new delicious ways to cook veggies.
(Main purposes: encourage seed saving and propagation, showcase water-harvesting devices)
- Ideally with a greenhouse and its own water tank / irrigation system
- Encourage seed saving and propagation
Natives / Bush food area
- Encourage better knowledge of bush foods and traditional medicinal plants
- Generate interest in native plants and land conservation
Organic recycling area
(with hot/cold compost, wormfarms)
- Demonstrate the benefits of composting / wormfarming (easy, economic, odourless)
- Showcase sustainable living solutions
Kids area
(with kids gardening sets )
- make gardening more appealing for young families
- Show kids gardening can be fun, social and interesting
- Help raise kids and young parents awareness on their impact on the environment, their ability to be more self sufficient, the importance of healthy food, cooking and producing their own food…
30 Garden plots for members
Available to all Coffs Harbour LGA residents for a small annual rental fee.