
Andrew Hughes, who is in charge of the Coffs Biosecurity team, along with Aaron Hartley who is our Council  Bush Regeneration Supervisor, will be presenting this workshop on weeds that you might inadvertently introduce to your garden, that can become difficult to eradicate or manage, and a major pest if they get free.

From 9.00 am (for a 9.15 start) until 12.00 (with breaks and time for questions)

At Coffs Regional Community Gardens

51 Combine Street


This workshop is funded by City of Coffs Harbour as part of the Environmental Levy Grants Program

Andrew is an Authorised Biosecurity Officer,  in charge of our Biosecurity team at the City of Coffs Harbour. His background is in Conservation and Ecosystem management, and his role includes identifying weeds, organising control programs for priority weeds and compliance on priority weeds.   He will present on priority weeds and talk about some of our local priority weeds to keep an eye out for, and also some plants that are on our watch list but are not yet classified weeds.

Aarons expertise is in Bush regeneration and he will present on garden escapee weeds that have a detrimental impact on our native vegetation, touching on some of the local species that have been planted in gardens and are now invading the bush.

There will be plenty of time for questions and a walk of the gardens. Aaron has also suggested a short walk to the creek to look at some weeds in the environment.

The workshop is free but numbers are limited, so please book so you don't miss out. 

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