The 12 Permaculture Design Principles

If you’ve wondered what “ permaculture “ is all about, it’s worth reading and understanding the 12 principles of permaculture. (Clink on the link).

They form the fundamentals around the ethics of permaculture of “earth care, fair share and people care”.  Often when building a garden we rush into the building phase with little consideration of design work. Often the very first principle of “observation” is bypassed. Observation shows things like shade, wind, water.

Sometime building a three dimension plan with to- scale trees, structures, and slope reveals if trees are too close or if an area is permanently in shade. Easier to use an eraser on a design than to dig out a 5 year old tree.

Also, can a plant or a tree or some infrastructure have multiple purposes? Can a grape vine provide shade for a chook pen? Can I leave a dead tree for habitat for native bees or a rock pile for insect eating lizards?

How can I help nature to help me?

Design and show others and listen to feedback. And design some more.

Permaculture principles can also be used for life coaching and social engagement.

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